Hang upside down on a Cloud_2012_2_detail1.jpg

Hang Upside Down on A Cloud

Hang Upside Down on A Cloud Cloud

“Cloud Technology” allows us to store and access information through the Internet; users need not know the exact location, details and facility of “Cloud Technology”, yet our information has been taken care of by the Cloud. Our only concern is whether we get the proper service or not. Living with Cloud Technology is so convenient as to become invisible, which makes me doubt myself - whether I am the shadow of Cloud Technology or otherwise.


拜「雲端科技」之賜 , 一切的資料儲存與取得都透過網路來進行 , 使用者無需知道資 料確實的所在地與基礎設施的細節 , 一切都由雲端主動為我們處理 , 我們只要關注 自己需要或想要的服務即可。活在雲端中是如此便利 , 卻不曾懷疑自己其實是「被」 黏在雲端之下 , 只憑靠著鏡子的倒影 , 就以為自己是雲端之人而開心不已...