Tai-Thai Boba Milktea Wave Wave── Taiwan and Thailand New Media Art Exchange Project
Tai-Thai Boba Milktea Wave Wave── Taiwan and Thailand New Media Art Exchange Project
The exhibition,Tai-Thai Boba Milktea Wave Wave, provides the public with a self-rewarding, collective consolation, and micro-happiness viewing experience through transcreation and cross-multilingualism. This exhibition will invite 2 artists from Taiwan and 3 from Thailand, and totally display 10 artworks. The works on display would all use a unique artistic simulation technique to play with the conventional art forms such as video, music, craft and life aesthetics etc., to provide another set of humorous, ironic, funny, ludicrous, but earnest and cute alternative-creative status. These seemingly Wave (micro) Wave (micro) artworks are technically simple at first glance. The art presented here is expressive but rough. The connotation looks complex but feels strangely down-to-earth. Under this direct perception, here hides various details and echoes, reflecting the elusive current social situations and phenomena in the historical context of Taiwan and Thailand. This exhibition discusses the similarities and differences between the ethnic groups of the two countries and hopes to provide a meticulous and diverse yet vivid picture of the contemporary art and social conditions of Taiwan and Thailand.
「泰式撞奶微微Tai-Thai Boba Milktea Wave Wave」展覽以轉造(transcreation)與多語跨界的方式提供大眾一種自我犒賞、集體安慰與微幸福感的觀展體驗,將展出2位臺灣藝術家及3位泰國藝術家,總計共10件作品。展出作品皆以特殊的藝術模擬手法,玩轉固有的影像、音樂、工藝與生活美感等藝術認知,提供出另一套具詼諧、諷刺、搞笑、滑稽、微微惡搞意味但又如此認真且Q的另類創作狀態。這些看似微(糖)微(冰)的作品,技術面乍看簡單隨性,表現手法既豐富又粗糙、內涵看似微妙,但觀看上卻別來由地讓人倍感親切自在。在這直觀的感受下潛藏著不同的細節與呼應,進而映出臺灣和泰國彼此歷史脈絡中難以捉摸的當前社會情境與現象。本次展覽多方探討兩國間發展之異同,期望能為臺灣與泰國的當代藝術與社會狀態提供更加細緻與多元的立體樣貌。