Cyber Labyrinth
Cyber Labyrinth
Cyber Labyrinth is a new media exhibition co-curated by Nien-Ting Chen (Taiwan) and Jaxton Su (Singapore), which imagines the uncertainty and ever-changing notion of the future as a temporal labyrinth that reconfigures itself arbitrarily. It is presented in the form of a pseudo futuristic cyber café showcasing a wide spectrum of experimental works including but not limited to video art, animation, gifs, games, sonic art and performance art. Audiences can interact with the fun and engaging artworks within a familiar yet nonintimidating setting filled with wonders and surprises. With an aim to enhance the exposure and appreciation of Singaporean works through a high profile festival – LightNight Liverpool, in the United Kingdom, the exhibition that includes both a physical and digital version, will examine the boundless possibilities of futurity as inspired by current situations.
Cyber Labyrinth 網紀迷宮——數位藝術迷城計畫是由台灣策展人陳念庭與新加坡策展人Jaxton Su 共同策畫的新媒體展覽,把當前近未來的不確定性和不斷變化的人類發展衝擊想像成一個可以隨意重新配置的多重迷宮,以類科幻未來主義的網咖形式呈現,與各種跨領域的藝術家和新型態網際媒體人合作,展示了多元且豐富的實驗作品,包括線上互動藝術影片、動畫、GIF、遊戲、聲音藝術和表演藝術等,讓觀眾在昏暗的公私空間下透過網際連線觀賞各種奇幻的視覺與聽覺的藝術體驗。