An uncanny assortment of miscellaneous objects──Taiwan & Singapore International artists Exchange Exhibition
An uncanny assortment of miscellaneous objects──Taiwan & Singapore Internationalartists Exchange Exhibition
An uncanny assortment of miscellaneous objects is a Singapore-Taiwan art exchange exhibition co-curated by Nien-Ting Chen (TW) and Jaxton Su (SG). The exhibition occurring across both countries will bring everyday objects to the fore in an attempt to discuss the imperative of current issues with the peculiarity of daily commodities in a post-material world. Establishing the possibilities of cross-cultural dialogues, ten Singaporean and Taiwanese millennial artists will be invited to present works that touch on various habitual tendencies of modernity through the use of common objects, and at the same time, highlight the absurdity and contradictions behind these realities.
由來自台灣陳念庭與新加坡Jaxton Su策展人進行更靈活的發展,特別提出雙邊策展模式,在一個共同的策展研究脈絡上,以跨國的外來視角交叉觀察與討論,為展覽帶來了不同的切入點,建構出蓬勃且具有實驗性藝術場域。